Вступительный письменный экзамен по английскому языку....

Вступительный письменный экзамен по английскому языку. Учебные материалы, методические указания и рекомендации: Пособие для абитуриентов

Филиппова М.М., Световидова И.В.
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2-е издание. М. : Издательство Московского университета, 2012. — 304 с. — ISBN 978-5-211-05781-4Пособие содержит объем требований по иностранным языкам к поступающим, методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной подготовки к экзамену и по работе с учебными и экзаменационными материалами, темы для письменного сочинения (эссе) и информацию об основных трудностях и типичных ошибках учащихся. Предлагаются тренировочные материалы для подготовительной работы абитуриента — тексты для нулевого, начального, базового и «продвинутого» уровней владения языком. Приводятся образцы материалов для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на различные гуманитарные факультеты (исторический, социологический, журналистики, международных отношений, искусствоведения и др.) и экзаменационные материалы филологического факультета МГУ.
Основная цель пособия — помочь поступающим на гуманитарные факультеты всесторонне и детально, максимально эффективно подготовиться к вступительному экзамену по английскому языку.Для поступающих на гуманитарные факультеты и в вузы гуманитарного профиля, а также для всех желающих изучать английский язык.Philippova M.M., Svetovidova I.V. Written Entrance Exam in English. Materials for Study with Instructions and Recommendations for Use. A manual for school-leavers2nd edition. — Moscow : Moscow University Press, 2012. — 304 p.This manual contains materials to help school-leavers planning to enroll at higher educational establishments (universities, colleges, etc.) which require entrants to take a foreign language exam. In particular, we have included: requirements entrants have to meet in terms of their command of a foreign language; recommendations for school-leavers on how to organize their individual studies to prepare for the exam and on how to work with course materials and past papers; possible subjects for compositions; information on the exam’s main difficulties and typical mistakes entrants make; texts and exercises for entrants to practice their language skills at elementary, intermediate and advanced level; sample materials for entrance exam preparation, suitable for different Humanities faculties (History, Sociology, Journalism, International Relations, Art Criticism, etc.), as well as the Lomonosov Moscow State University Faculty of Philology’s actual exam materials.
The main purpose of the manual is to help school-leavers who have to take a foreign language exam at faculties of humanities prepare in the best way possible: thoroughly, effectively, comprehensively, and in all the necessary detail.Intended for school-leavers hoping to enroll at faculties and higher educational establishments of humanities, as well as for everybody wishing to improve their English.Содержание.
Общие положения, методические указания и рекомендации.
Объем требований по иностранным языкам к поступающим в Московский университет.
Программа по английскому языку для поступающих на филологический факультет МГУ.
Рекомендации по организации самостоятельной подготовки к вступительному экзамену по английскому языку.
Темы для письменного сочинения (эссе).
Что такое эссе (сочинение).
Образцы текстов для чтения, перевода, грамматического разбора, пересказа и ответов на вопросы.
The Rise of a National Literature.
O. Henry.
E. Hemingway.
Методические рекомендации по работе с письменными экзаменационными заданиями на филологическом факультете.
Общие замечания.
Последовательность работы с экзаменационными заданиями.
Типы чтения.
Принципы работы со словарем.
Работа с незнакомыми словами.
Постановка вопросов к тексту.
Образец работы с письменными экзаменационными заданиями на филологическом факультете МГУ.
Содержание экзаменационного билета.
Работа с текстом. Просмотровое чтение.
Работа со словарем.
Перевод текста.
Комментарий к тексту.
Постановка вопросов к тексту.
Краткое изложение основного содержания текста своими словами.
Перевод предложений на английский язык.
Образцы предложений на перевод для поступающих на филологический факультет.
Основные трудности перевода предложений с русского языка на английский.
Типичные ошибки абитуриентов.
Факторы, влияющие на оценку письменной работы по иностранному языку.
Что учитывается при проверке письменных работ по иностранному языку.
Тренировочные материалы для подготовительной работы абитуриента.
Тексты для нулевого уровня.
Nightmarish Speed.
The Calendar.
The First Month of the Year.
The Dumb Beggar.
The Bell-Boy.
An English Tourist in Norway.
The Coat of Arms of Ireland.
The Dog and the Rooster (A fable by Easop).
The Lion and the Mouse (A fable by Easop).
Letters and Postage Rates.
The Nobel Prize.
What TV Does to Children.
The First Language in the World.
English Names.
Character Through Handwriting.
The Story of Hindu Figures.
From the History of the Postal Service.
Тексты для начального уровня.
Ancient Greece.
Languages of the World.
English — a World Language.
What is the Average Briton Like?
The Earliest Men.
Colonial Times. The Need for an Empire.
The Edwardian Town in 1905.
Houses and Homes.
British Law.
A Holiday in Great Britain.
Geoffrey Chaucer’s Works.
Shakespeare’s Biography.
The Fate of Shakespeare’s Plays.
America. The Wild West.
Henry James.
Theodore Dreiser’s Themes.
Postwar American Literature.
The Root of All Evil?
Тексты для базового уровня.
Parts of Speech.
How to Practice Your Pronunciation.
The -nik Suffix.
‘Black Speech’ and ‘White Speech’ in America.
Punctuation Marks.
Germanic Tribes and Their Languages.
The Story of Old English.
The Novel as a Genre.
On Tolstoy’s Stories.
Shakespeare and the Bible.
On Charles Dickens (by Peter Ackroyd).
Jane Austen.
Walter Scott as an Inventor of the Historical Novel.
Walter Scott’s Work.
On Olivia Manning (by Susan Hill).
On Anthony Powell (by Antonia Fraser).
Art and Society.
Basic English.
The Image of Women in the Mass Media.
The Moth and the Star (by James Thurber).
The Very Proper Gander (by James Thurber).
The Seal Who Became Famous (by James Thurber).
On Shopping in Britain (by George Mikes).
Тексты для продвинутого уровня.
Accents in Speech.
Education and RP.
Differences between American and British Pronunciation.
On the English Case System.
Differences between May and Might.
The in-, un- and non- Prefixes.
English Vocabulary.
The Spread of English.
Foreign Place-Names.
Euphemisms in Languages.
On the Use of Girl, Boy, Woman and Lady.
Mr, Mrs and Miss as Courtesy Titles.
The Use of the Hyphen.
The Past of English.
Language Development after the Norman Conquest.
The Dark Side of the Spread of English.
Computer Language and Its Influence on English.
Social Stratification of Language.
English Drama and Shakespeare.
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Attitude towards Life and His Characters.
Approaches to Foreign Language Acquisition.
Образцы материалов для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на гуманитарные факультеты.
Материалы для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на факультеты и отделения истории.
Wayfarers and Pilgrims.
Homes and Holidays.
The Status of Married Women (the Middle Ages).
Early Nineteenth Century.
The Edwardian Town in 1905.
Medieval England.
The Celts.
The Upper Tanana Indians.
The Aims and Methods of Socialization in Silwa.
The Production of History.
Материалы для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на факультеты и отделения журналистики.
Special Effects on Television.
The Techniques of Radio Journalism.
Writing for Television.
The Editorial Influence.
How It All Began.
The First Printed Newspapers.
The Newspapers Under the Republic, 1649−1660.
British Television and Radio.
British Newspapers.
Modern British Media.
Образцы материалов для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на факультеты международных отношений, мировой политики и мирового политического процесса.
World Politics.
International Relations (IR).
Security Studies.
Foreign Policy.
The World Public Opinion.
World Society.
Human Rights.
Balance of Power.
Образцы материалов для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на факультеты и отделения искусств и искусствоведения.
Vasili Perov.
Liberal Arts.
The Renaissance.
Leonardo da Vinci.
History Painting.
The Hermitage.
The Royal Academy of Arts, London.
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475−1564).
Moscow Museums.
Sir Peter Paul Rubens.
Diego Rodriguez de Silva у Velazquez (Velásquez).
Joseph Mallord William Turner.
Pierre Auguste Renoir.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Book Art.
Igor Grabar.
The Moscow School.
Материалы для подготовки к вступительному экзамену на филологический факультет.
Блок заданий № 1
Resources of Punctuation.
Shakespeare’s Verse.
The Globe.
Performances in the Globe.
Beginnings of the Theatre in England.
Early Modern English.
Some Tendencies in English Pronunciation.
The Relevance of Linguistics.
People’s Attitudes to Globalization of Their Language.
Words and How People Treat Them.
What Good Style should Be Like.
Length of Sentences.
Length of Paragraphs.
Informal English.
Newspaper Language.
Language as an Integral Part of Human Life.
Types of Language.
Language and Its Uses.
Ways of Being Polite in Language.
Changes in the Language.
How Changes Spread through a Population.
Linguistic Areas and Borrowing.
The Roles of Grammar.
How Style should Be Fashioned.
Varieties of English and Their Standards.
Intricacies of Relations between Britain and Europe.
Interrelationship of Language, Literature and Culture.
Multimedia Potentiality of Words.
‘Hamlet’ and Its Versions.
Блок заданий № 2
Hamlet’s Subjects over the Centuries.
Accent and Dialect.
Biography/Autobiography and Life-writing: Self and Other.
What is Meant by ‘Canon’.
Similarity and Difference in Language and Literature.
Learning to Spell and Its Problems.
Versification, Metrics and Poetics.
Standard English and the Hypothesis of Linguistic Equality.
The Kinds of Disadvantages Non-Standard Speakers Face.
Family Background, Its Advantages and Disadvantages for Children.
Differences between Standard and Non-Standard Dialects.
Why Standard English is Associated with the Concept of Educatedness.
Social Consequences of Inability to Handle Standard English.
Duality in Language as a Feature of Its Flexibility.
What is English for Specific Purposes?
Parenthetic Phrases and Their Functions in Speech.
Language Dominance and Political, Military and Economic Power.
World English and the British Empire.
Language Differences between Generations.
Specialized Terminology of Modern Linguistics.
Formal Definitions and Why They are Misleading.
Words and Their Referents.
The Authorized Version of the Bible.
William Shakespeare.
Theatre Audience in Shakespeare’s Day.
Elizabethan Dramatists Contemporary with Shakespeare.
The Split between Conservatives and Puritans under Charles I.
Puritan Rule and Its Influence on the English Way of Life.
John Milton.
Differences between Speech and Writing.
Блок заданий № 3
Language Ideology and People’s Attitudes to Accents.
‘English Only’ Movement in the US.
Sociolinguistic Hierarchies in Britain and the US.
‘English Only’ Movement and Discrimination of Other Languages.
Linguistic Folklore and Origins of Language.
Language Vocabulary and History.
Language as a Guarantor and Symbol of Political Unity.
The Growth of Advertising in Britain and the USA.
The Dominance of English in Popular Music.
English in Popular Songs.
English as a Medium of International Communication.
English as a Lingua Franca.
Is The Internet an Instrument of Intellectual Colonialism?
Glorifying Images of English.
The Opposition of Native vs. Non-Native Speakers of English as a Colonial Construct.
Ideological Implications of Insistence on English in the Classroom.
People’s Attitudes to Changes in Word Meanings.
The Spread of New Language Forms by the Media.
The Stature of English on the Information Superhighway.
The Rejection of English.
Unhappy Colonial Resonance in People’s Minds.
International Varieties of English.
World Standard Spoken English.
ELT as a Part of Colonial Policy.
The Image of English as a Borrowing Language.
Are There Reasons to Be Wary of ‘Cultural Imperialism’?
Nouns Used as Adjectives.
Standard English and British English.
The Meanings of ‘Green’.
Doubling the Final Letter before -ed and -ing.
Блок заданий № 4
The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible: Its Making and Character.
Intellectual or Intelligent.
Latin Roots.
The Literature of the Restoration.
Literary Theory in the Restoration Period.
Restoration as the Beginning of Scientific Age.
The 18th Century in England.
Lack of Balance between Reason and Emotion in the 18th Century.
The 18th Century Verse and Prose.
Laurence Sterne.
Establishment of Romanticism.
Jane Austen’s Uniqueness.
The Victorian Era.
An Age of Crusaders, Reformers and Theorists.
Carlyle and Ruskin.
Dickens’ Vitality.
William Makepeace Thackeray’s Works.
Oscar Wilde and Rudyard Kipling.
Popular Views on Points of Usage.
Language and Political Correctness.
Pessimistic Views on Language Development.
Spelling and Its Significance.
Utterances, Phonemes and Morphemes.
The Arts and the Science of Language.
Foreign and Native Words in English.
The Meaning of Compound Nouns.
Compound Words in Poetry.
Productive Morphological Patterns.
Shortened Forms.
The Use of Two Synonymous Words as a Stylistic Habit.
Блок заданий № 5
Double Phrases in English.
Clues for Reconstructing Old Pronunciations.
Recognition of Foreign Words by Native Speakers.
The Multitude of Languages.
Agatha Christie.
Kazuo Ishiguro and His Works.
Canadian Spelling.
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